Thursday, July 13, 2006

Super-Size This!

For those of you who consistenly read my posts and try to piece together the weekly events of my awesome life you know that I am currently undergoing a physical transformation from skinny guy with really fast metabolism to adonis with even faster metabolism. For those of you who don't, well just take my word for it. I am currently a 5 out 6 on my self-created 6-pack scale. You figure it out.

Anyway, even the best combination of diet and exercise requires a few lapses to prevent my head from exploding. This past week I stopped at Wendy's for a delicious double cheeseburger. It was no bag of Double Stuff Oreos but it hit the spot. Normally I get out and walk inside so I can burn a few extra calories (I'm kidding) but this time I decided to use the drive-thru.

On a side note: When is it acceptable to use through and when is it acceptable to use thru. It seems that the fast food industry is the only ones using thru. If anyone has more information on this, then please let me know.

Back to the post. I order a value meal number 2 with a coke. The scrambled intercom says, "Would you like that medium?" I'm thinking they normally would ask me to "super-size" or "biggie-size" so I say, "yeah, that's fine." I pull around only to see the mexican woman giving me this huge drink and charging me an extra 50 cents. Apparently, Wendy's has decided that medium is the new biggie. What a load of crap that is. That has to be the sneakiest business move of all time. It used to be that there was no small; only medium, large, and biggie. Now they went back to small, medium, and large but didn't tell anyone.

And that's why I won't eat fast food least until my head is about to explode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and that's why you only have a 5 pack instead of 6....

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