Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Who Cut The Cheese?

Don't worry, I can't smell anything as I sit in front of my computer but that sure would be amazing if I could. Come on Bill Gates, get working on that. Anyway, hope everyone had a nice weekend. I spent mine doing a little fishing. I even caught a fish! It was most triumphant. Another quick one today as I don't have much fluff to add.

Let me post this question to you, if you know the answer then please let me know. I was in Subway yesterday ordering my footlong grilled chicken sub on honey oat (probably the healthiest thing you can get other than the 6") and the lady behind the counter asked me what type of cheese I would like. I pretended to look at the selection as if I were really thinking when I already knew I was getting provolone because I enjoy its taste and it isn't as stong as swiss or as boring as american. Then, staring into the cheese bin through the sneeze guard, a Deep Thought occured to me. Why is the american cheese always square and the provolone is always round? Does this affect the curing process? Is it merely so people can identify it without having to smell or taste it? Have you ever seen round american cheese or square provolone cheese? I mean swiss is easy to identify. If you don't know why swiss is easy to identify then I suggest you go out right now and jump off the top of a tall building.

Even wikipedia didn't have the answer and they have everything on that website. So if you know the answer, please let me know. Otherwise, this will have to remain a Deep Thought...

Friday, June 08, 2007

It Doesn't Have a Name

Real quick one today as we started summer hours at work and I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be. First of all, you may have noticed the little map at the top of Jordon's Deep Thoughts has quite a few dots on it now. Apparently people are consistently checking in to see what ridiculous topic I will come up with next. Also, I have been receiving a lot of reader comments recently from people I don't even know. That makes me feel good so keep the praise coming. I want my ego to grow. Can you believe Wikipedia deleted the page I created about Jordon's Deep Thoughts? They said it was garbage. I may try again as worldwide readership is increasing.

On to the post. I was in my hotel room last night in Biddeford, ME and I locked the door and closed that little metal bar thingy that doesn't have a name. You know, it looks like a big U and lets you open the door just a little so you can peer out but usually just makes you curse as you open the door quickly, not realizing it is closed. Anyway, I started thinking, what if I died in the room and the fire department had to get in? You would like to think that it is impossible because the little metal bar thingy is closed. So let's assume they have some tool that lets them open it; what's to prevent a burglar from obtaining the same tool? And honestly, have you ever been in a hotel room where the little metal bar thingy actually saved your life? I doubt it. Just one more thing to make your hotel bill higher.

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