Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Isn't It Ironic, Don't Ya Think?

Sorry for the long lay off but I was once again playing underwater for work; this time in Cape May, NJ. That's right, I spent last week inspecting a US Coast Guard pier. All the while getting free food, a good tan, and I even grew a beard again because we were getting up at 5:30 every morning. I look like that little picture at the top of my blog again. But enough about me...on to today's post.

For all of you Alanis fans, so sorry to disappoint you but this has nothing to do with her. Also, I didn't think she still had any fans. I mean she had that one album, Jagged Little Pill, come out 10 years ago and then she vanished back to Canada. Come on, you remember, every 3 weeks another single was on the radio. It was awful. But enough about Alanis...on to today's post.

The irony I speak of lies in a scene I witnessed on my drive down the Garden State Parkway on my way to Cape May, NJ. I see some flashing lights from a police cruiser but don't slam on the breaks like so many people do because I have the cruise control locked in at 65. As I drive past I see the unlucky car that was pulled over and notice something odd...and ironic. The car had a "student driver" sign on the roof and there was only one person in the car. Of course, this means that a driving instructor was pulled over for either speeding or wreckless driving. That sure doesn't look good for that driving school. But hey, I bet they don't make you drive them to pick up dry cleaning like my driving instructor did...


Anonymous said...

I love Alanis.

On another note, Tommy Chong is coming to the Blaisdell. I don't know what he'll do for 3 hours...(that's a joke in itself)

Anonymous said...


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