Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hail To The Bus Driver


This blog post was originally posted in an AOL Instant Messenger away message in 2000. The details have been changed to make it more understandable to my readers from so many different backgrounds. (I have people checking out my blog from Austria, Spain, and Sweden) Only those attending The Pennsylvania State University would have understood the original post about The Loop.

Remember in elementary school when you were riding the bus to school and all of the bus drivers would wave to each other? Do you think they are really friends? I would bet every bus driver is a walking time bomb waiting to go off. Imagine driving around 40 screaming kids 6 times a day (elementary, middle, and high school AM/PM). Those bus drivers probably hate everybody.

Also, do you think the drivers of the regular school buses shun the drivers of the short buses? And remember those buses with the seat belts? How about the buses with five across in the last row?

I'll also never forget when my friend Mike tied Owen Murphy's shoelace to the seat and he couldn't get it untied before his stop came so the bus driver made him go all the way back to the bus garage where she cut his shoelace. And then he had to walk home in the pouring rain instead of getting dropped off near his house. So that confirms it, bus drivers are just angry people who are friend with nobody, not even their co-workers.

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