Monday, March 20, 2006

Sand in the Vasoline

Huge development this morning while sitting at my desk. I actually finished a tube of chapstick. I don't know about you, but this is the first time in my life this has ever happened. I usually lose it or throw it away. If you have ever really used an entire tube of chapstick, then I commend you on your strong resolve to stick with that same tube for so long. In my case, it must have been 10 years.


Anonymous said...

Why would you throw away unused chapstick?

Anonymous said...

You dont lose a chapstick, but rather you dont feel like using it after a couple of months. Especially, if it was hanging in there behind the display cabinet or in the sock drawer or worse, behind the TV cabinet. :)
And yes, I did finish a tube of chapstick once and I felt great. See Jordon, there is a girl as sad as you.

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