Thursday, May 03, 2007

We Just Killed Bambi

Well in case you read my profile, you may have noticed that I turned 27 last Thursday and therefore officially entered my late 20s. I really don't care, it's just a number...besides, I am in the best shape of my life. I mean just look at that picture of me holding up a house.

A couple of things I would like to address in this post. First, I would like to give a special shoutout to loyal blog reader Jennifer who sent me an email the other day saying that she loves Jordon's Deep Thoughts. You have no idea how good this made me feel. I always thought the only people who read my blog were my parents who just kept hitting refresh to get my counter up! The Internet...It's Fantastic!

Second, I was in Maine last week for work. We were doing some post storm inspections of coastal towns. Let's just say there was some damage (again, see above photo). People, living next to the ocean is great and all but don't get mad when your house gets washed into the ocean. I'll live a few blocks from the ocean and sleep soundly at night.

Anyway, during my drive I noticed a dead deer on the side of the highway and, of couse, this got me thinking. Why are the bodies always on the shoulder? I assume the cars hit the animals on the road. Who is moving them to the side? There must be some governmental agency or department that is in charge of removing these carcases. And why don't they just remove it when the move it to the side? I highly doubt every car-deer collision results in Bambi being thrown onto the shoulder. Personally, I have never seen anyone picking up a dead deer and tossing it in the back of a pickup truck. Have you? Is this done in the middle of the night? Do these trucks just drive along every road from 2-5am looking for dead animals?

Now this is one of the great mysteries of the world that needs to be answered? Drive safely loyal readers.


Anonymous said...

is it carcii?

Anonymous said...

feichet...nice photo...looking good!

Anonymous said...

1. I absolutely LOVE the picture
2. I wonder the SAME thing about deer when I drive on the Merritt Parkway.
3. I like how you think.

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