Thursday, March 15, 2007

An Inconvenient Irony?

That's right folks, mark up another victory for W and the GOP over everyone's favorite green politician Al Gore. This story just oozes irony and I felt it definately warranted an entry on Jordon's Deep Thoughts. Last week, Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen set out to trek 530 miles across the Arctic Ocean to bring awareness to the so-called global warming crisis facing this world today. Bancroft was the first woman to cross the North Pole in 1986 and she and Arnesen were the first women to ski across Antarctica in 2001. Needless-to-say, both women had experience in long journeys through some of the world's coldest locations.

This journey was to bring awareness to global warming by documenting the trip with scheduled updates to school groups via satellite phone. The two adventurers even packed body suits so they could swim in the areas where the polar ice had melted. Now I take exception with this last one. I am assuming a body suit is some sort of dry suit like the one I wear when I go swimming in the East River. These suits are hard enough to get on and off when it's sunny out and you can sit in the company truck. I can't imagine doing this in sub-zero temperatures at the North Pole. And I certainly can't imagine two women doing this. Just kidding, wanted to see if you were still paying attention.

Anyway, their trip came to a sudden halt when extreme cold temperatures and bouts of frostbite got in the way. Oops! According to Bancroft, the outside temperature exceeded -100°F at times. Even in the refuge of their tent, the temperature was still a frigid -58°F. And to think women are better in the cold.

Ann Atwood, an organizer of the expedition, said that Bancroft and Arnesen were "experiencing temperatures that weren't expected with global warming." While keeping her guard up to those who may use this botched expedition as an example to the failed logic in global warming, Atwood said that one of the things we see with global warming is unpredictability.

Yeah, we also see that the fight against global warming just took a step back to the Ice Age. Get it? Ice warming...nevermind. And then there's the one that Al Gore's electric bill was over $30,000 last year. Sounds like conservation to me.

I think the solution is pretty easy. Let people work from home to save gas and reduce emissions. Does anyone object to this one? I think I am going to run for President with this as the only plank in my platform. What American wouldn't vote for me?

Vote Cheifet '16
Sit on your ass and save gas

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