What do you think? Anyone out there want to invest in my new flag pole company?
When I think of something funny, why tell only the people I run into when I can share it with the entire world? The Internet...It's Fantastic!
Yes. Blind people do try to pick up after their dogs. "It" will be found right behind the dog's butt. They usually know when he is dumping, because most dogs do a doodle dance prior to taking a dump. This is where they circle around a few times. Also, they know when he is peeing, because you can hear that. If not peeing, must be a dump.
So there you go. I kind of feel mad that someone was really able to answer one of my deep thoughts.I would think a problem might arise when the dog is a "walker". Anyone familiar with dogs, knows that some dogs tend to move, or walk, while they are dumping. There may also be an issue if the dog pees and dump at the same time. Hearing the pee, they may be unaware that the dog dumped.Kim got Oliver [guide dog] from -This is a smaller organization which does training at the persons home rather then at some institution. This makes more sense since they are being trained where the dog will be used. I give them money every year. They are a small org, with very low overhead.
So what does this have anything to do with this post? Well you see, like many, I have developed a list of "Things I Want To Do Before I Die." The list isn't long. Most of them involve traveling to some exotic place that my friends have never been. I just want to be able to say, "Yup, I've been there," or "Yup, I've tried that." Most people laugh when I tell them I want to go to every state or swim in all of the world's oceans. But I say to myself, "You can read everything about the World, but until you actually see it with your own two eyes (one if you are a cyclops), you haven't lived." So not to get too philosophical on you but that my friends brings us to today's post.
My feeling is that the media has blown the whole thing way out of proportion and just uses it for ratings and money.So in the words of probably the worst Weekend Update host ever, "That's my story and I'm sticking to it." Have a great 1 day Anniversary of the 5 year Anniversary of September 11th!
I mean, yeah, it makes me really sad and mad to think of what happened that day. In Hawaii on Pearl Harbor Day they lay some flowers like you would with any death and that's it. For instance, I went with my Dad in December '01 to visit ground zero and there were hundreds of street vendors selling 9/11 merchandise. Sure, that's real sensitive. I'm sure it all went to the victim's families.
Also, I was watching tv last night and came across a show on the flight that crashed PA. They were going through every person on there and giving a background of them. It made me sick. I mean, yes we know people died and obviously each one had a story but we shouldn't have to re-live the death every year. It's like having a gut-wrenching funeral every year for 3,000 people. You don't have a funeral for [dead] family members every year. Maybe light a candle, take some flowers to the cemetery, say a prayer.
I also think the term "heroes" has been used way too liberally. Now you are probably already thinking that I am some insensitive guy with no heart. I have tons of respect for the fire and police and military. I just don't think they are "heroes" for dying doing something they signed up for knowing the risks. They are certainly great individuals who deserved to be honored for risking their lives serving the people. A "hero" to me is someone who goes above and beyond what they are expected to do. If say a civilian tried to rescue people from a burning building, then that is a hero to me. A fireman knows he could die in a building during a rescue and accepts that risk. The guys who took out the terrorists on the PA plane so they couldn't crash it into the White House, they are heroes.
That's just my opinion and you are welcome to disagree with it. If you still want to talk to me after my little rant, feel free to respond.