Time to get old school on you folks. I noticed recently that my posts have been more rants than deep thoughts about life. It's just difficult when the world around us is filled with so many idiots. Luckily, you have someone like me to assemble all of these stories into one neat package. So here we go.
As far as I know, the Cheifet family has never been big on giving to charity but my Mom always gave to the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind and I always thought they were worthy of my inheritance. Just seems to me that this non-profit has a clear goal in sight (no pun intended). Say you give money to the Red Cross. It goes into some huge account where it is probably spread out so thin that your money all goes to free orange juice, free doughnuts, or those little "I Gave Blood Today" stickers they give out. Not exactly what you had in mind when you wrote that check.
The Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind on the other hand has a simple mission. Right from their website: Since 1946, the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind has provided guide dogs free of charge to blind people who seek enhanced mobility and independence. What could be more simple than that? They get money and they spend it on training the dogs. And who doesn't love puppies?
As usual, I was driving to the gym yesterday and saw a blind person on the sidewalk with their guide dog. I noticed one thing that stood out to me: the person had a plastic bag in their hand. So of course this got me thinking. Do blind people have to pick up after their guide dog? Is there a subsection of the law that looks the other way on this? Assuming they do have to pick up after their guide dog, how do they know where "it" is? If anyone knows a blind person with a guide dog, could you please ask them? This is something that I am very curious about.
maybe the owner had just eaten his lunch and was going to throw the empty bag in the trash. You were "looking" into this too closely.
I ask kim if she ever picked up after her dog oliver.Although Oliver is justa pet now. He just sits home and gets fatter every day.
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