If I did it, here's how I did it... Just kidding, you can't honestly tell me that you wouldn't have bought that book or at least watched the two-part special on FOX. You might say you wouldn't but deep down you know you are curious. But I digress.
That's right folks. It's the weekly daily double. Two blog posts this week because I am in the office. But don't worry I will be out next week and in the following week so you should be able to get your fill of Jordon's Deep Thoughts.
They say there are two subjects you should never discuss at a party: politics and religion. I think I've already discussed the former in this forum so why not dip into the other taboo. Anyway, today's post may be a result of my Jewish upbringing but I think it's time for the airing of grievances of behalf of all Jews out there.
First of all, let me state that I enjoy Christmas songs. Now this probably is a result of there only really being two Hanukkah songs: "Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel" and "The Hanukkah Song". Personally I really enjoy Weird Al's "The Night Santa Went Crazy" and The Waitresses' "Christmas Wrapping". I always sing that latter when it comes on the radio. So what's my beef you may ask? Well when I was driving home for Thanksgiving a few weeks ago I heard Christmas songs on the radio. Bear in mind I was driving home 3 days BEFORE Thanksgiving!!!
You know I can live with the Christmas songs once December starts, I can even live with the Christmas songs starting on Black Friday, but give this Jew a break. I've come to accept the fact that Jews are the minority and it doesn't really bother me when naive people ask me how my Christmas was even though they know I don't celebrate. But use your brains a bit, I mean, even J.C. was a Jew.
So to all my gentile friends, do you start playing the songs earlier and earlier each year just to see what you can get away with and how much you can piss off the Jews? Or do you start playing the songs earlier and earlier each year because you assume there is only one religion? Or do you start playing the songs earlier and earlier each year because you just don't care. I'm betting it's the latter but I welcome your feedback on this Deep Thought because I think most Jews are too scared to ask.
Have a Merry Christmakwanzakah!!! Mele Kalikimaka. Whatever, it doesn't matter.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Oh wait, I say that all the time- but only to my Jewish friends. Mom
Hey Jordon,,,
Cheryl here!! Not a Jew but hate the early songs myself! Gets old by 12/12. It's not the general public I assure you. Retail, retail, retail. The earlier they can get us out there and make our hearts start beating that we aren't doing the gift thing quick enough the better for them. Absolutely nothing to due with Christmas. Have a great Holiday, and how is your Christmas going :)
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