First and foremost, I would like to announce that I have updated my profile to say 20 countries. That's a big milestone. I think...
Second, I will refrain from making any references to 9/11 or the heroes today. Most of you know my feelings on that whole thing. And with all of my new readers from so many backgrounds and with so many different political views I don't want to make any politically incorrect or insensitive remarks. For that please go to my favorite politically incorrect and insensitive website: www.tshirthell.com.
Ok, enough of that, let's move on. That's right folks. It's time to inject a little culture into the blog posts. Extra credit for anyone who knows what book the title of this blog post is from. I'll give you a hint, it was over 100 pages.
So I am back from Central America. Tan, relaxed, and full of funny blog posts to make your daily grind at work more bareable. What a crazy time it was. And to think, I didn't have any major surgery in a country where I didn't speak the native language. Although, the taxi driver said my Spanish was much better than his English. So take that Leric. This trip also made me a little sad and brought back a very strong feeling of nostalgia for Hawaii. It's been a while since I have been able to wear the same pair of board shorts and the same pair of Locals flip flops everyday. It's also been a while since I could wear no shirt into a restaurant for dinner. But hey, at least the leaves are changing soon. I guess. Anyway...
If you have ever seen the movie Medicine Man with Sean Connery (I doubt you have), then you are familiar with the canopy adventures popular in the rain forests of Central and South America. Let me tell you that it was awesome and I didn't even have to talk with a funny Welsh accent; although, I did have the hairy chest going for me. Other outdoor activities included horseback riding, surfing, hiking, and rappelling down a waterfall (see above).
So you're probably thinking, what does "and so it goes" have anything to do with Costa Rica and everyone's favorite blog protagonist? Read the book and you will know. So, in spite of travelling to another country some 2,300 miles away, I was not able to escape being hit on by a man. That's right! Local surf bum Justin, in between trying to peddle some crappy "native" art, proceeded to tell me that I must be a an American football player because of my big muscles. A little creepy to say the least, especially since it was in broken English and he said hello each morning as I walked by to go to the beach. Oh well, I guess I just need to learn to accept that I am desireable to 100% of the population and not just 50% like everyone else. And so it goes...
Easy. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Excellent book.
Also, props on the blog. I check regularly :)
Just got caught up on the blog as I settle into my room in Duluth, Minnesota. So glad to hear you enjoyed your homosexual experiences in Costa Rica. I was going to say slaughterhouse five but looks like anonymous beat me to it. I was an english major, remember. Talk soon, LZeb
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