Sunday, June 18, 2006


Another crazy weekend for your loyal blog writer: me. As usual, I am always on the lookout for blog-worthy (I invented that word) content for my posts. If you couldn't tell by some of my previous posts that the social scene in Connecticut do I put this...subpar, then you are an idiot and I would like you to stop reading. Who am I kidding? I need all of the readers I can get. Why? I don't know. Anyway...

My buddy Tom and I have decided to head down to NYC every weekend. Not only is the social do I put this...the best in the world but the girls are much hotter. We stumbled across a great rooftop bar in the shadow of the Empire State Building. It was awesome. The girls weren't pretentious. The music wasn't loud. The guys weren't guidos. The drinks were still $12 a piece but you can't have everything, right?

After a night of telling jokes to girls we headed downstairs to get a cab back to our car. By the way, I thought girls are supposed to love a guy with a sense of humor. Apparently these girls didn't understand my brand of humor, which I have been told is quite amusing. But it's like the old adage says: There are plenty of fish in the sea. If I keep throwing the bait out there, then one of those fish will bite. Of course, by fish I mean hot, smart girl but I'm sure you already knew that.

So you are probably wondering what the Tommy Tutone song has to do with this post. Well, as we were getting in the cab I noticed that the cab company's phone number was 777-7777. How cool is that? Why are cab company's the only ones to get phone numbers where all of the digits are the same? This doesn't seem fair to me. If I call the phone company and tell them that I am a new cab company, then can I get a cool phone number too? Wouldn't 111-1111 be awesome? This needs to be explored more.

P.S. My friend Ryan has the phone number (808) 256-9562. Also known as (808) blowjob. Awesome.

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