Real quick post today. I am actually in the office. You probably read all of my posts and wonder if I am telling the truth when I say that I spent the last week walking the shoreline. Well here you go, actual photo documentation of me walking the shoreline. This is in Portland, ME to be exact and it was a glorious day. We actually spent the morning looking at harbor seals from a boat. And yes, I was getting paid for all of this.
Quick note that might make you feel better if you are jealous at all. About 30 seconds after this photo was taken I slipped on the rocks and fell flat on my back with my leg bent at a weird angle. Unfortnately for you, because I go to the gym all the time my fall was cushioned by my huge back muscles.
So let me pose this one to you: we all say, "...first of all." And sometimes we say, "...second of all," but that is mostly as a joke to emphasize how important both points are. Now my question is have you ever said, "...third of all?" I doubt it. And if you have you must have sounded like a complete fool. Tomorrow: the correct usage of further and farther.
Have a good weekend!
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