Okay, fasten your seat belts folks for it's time for another Deep Thought. I was told by a reader who will remain anonymous that the past few posts have begun with me apologizing for my infrequent postings. As a result, I would like to apologize for apologizing at the beginning of my posts. I am truly sorry. Does that count as apologizing again? Damn!
So I'm sure you have been on the edge of your seats wondering what is new with me. Nothing really. I recently returned from another vacation to Trinidad and Tobago -- my 21st country. It was filled with snorkeling, scuba diving, hiking (that's my dad with a cow), and losing to my brother repeatedly at Scrabble. It's so frustrating when your opponent has memorized nearly all of the two- and three-letter words. Did you know that there are nine two-letter words that don't even contain any consonants? AA, AI, AI, EA, EE, OE, OI, OO, and OU.
So I get back to the US and A and I am promptly reminded of how rude people can be. I went to the supermarket last night after a nice gym session which involved some weightlifting, stationary biking, and a lot of staring at girls who get all dolled up to workout and feel the need to wear tank tops and push up bras. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Anyway, I am standing at the deli counter patiently waiting my turn to order my turkey and cheese when I overhear the woman next to me directing the lady behind counter how thick or thin she wanted her cheese. Personally, I couldn't care less as to how thick or thin my deli meat is. Either way, I'm putting two slices of cheese and three slices of turkey between two slices of bread. Can people really taste the difference between a piece of cheese that is 3/16" and another piece of cheese that is 1/4" thick?
So this woman needed to see every other slice to confirm that the deli worker wasn't changing the thickness on her. She was barking orders like a Nazi all over a piece of Cajun turkey breast. By the way, I also got one pound of the Cajun turkey breast and it was delicious. And when the guy helping me asked if the thickness was okay I was sure to reply loud enough for her to hear, "Oh, I don't care how thick it is, makes no difference to me." Then to make things better, this woman refused to take the turkey because, for some reason, the deli lady tuned her out and just cut the fucking turkey.
So yeah, summer is almost here. I have another trip planned to the Pacific Northwest over July 4th at which point I will have been to all fifty states. Stay tuned.
P.S. Happy 21st Birthday to my brother!!!
i'm sure glad you identified who was with the cow.
Wow! Had no idea that guys liked girls at the gym wearing push-up bras and wearing make-up. I think its funny. Why would you want to get all dressed up and all dolled up when the point is to get all nasty and sweaty???? Your make-up is going to run. Oh yeah, forgot your not actually going to the gym to get nice and sweaty...they are going to the gym to either pick up guys or make guys like you smile. If I was a guy, I would be laughing and smiling. Hey, I am laughing and smiling. I am the kind of girl who just focuses on her workout and doesn't worry about whose looking at her and what she looks like when she is dripping with sweat. Trust me its way hotter to see anyone who is pushing their limits than some dinky girl attempting on working out in a push-up bra and keeping her make-up smudge free.
Anyhow, I think its funny that the woman at the deli was ordering thin slices of meats. It reminds me of my mother. Hehe
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