I am just so excited and happy and relieved these days. I recently received news that I passed my Professional Engineering Exam. It's kind of a big deal. The P.E. Exam is basically the Bar Exam for Engineers. Two and half months of studying and being anti-social paid off. And I don't want any emails or comments saying that engineers are anti-social to begin with -- I mean we are but still...
So next week is my big trip to the Pacific Northwest. Tons of excitement here at Jordon's Deep Thoughts. As previously mentioned in this forum, it will mark the completion of my quest to go to all 50 states and the northern, southern, eastern, and westernmost points in the Continental United States. And I get to see a Seattle Mariners game which should be lovely. Also, I read that the road through Glacier National Park is still closed because of snow! It's freaking July 4th and they got 2 feet of snow last week. This is going to greatly hurt my itinerary because there is only one road through the park. But fear not, for you favorite blog protagonist will persevere.
In preparation for my trip I was watching Turistas on HBO last week. It's the story of some backpackers in Brazil who have their bus break down and stop at a local bar while the bus is being fixed. A local slips something in their drinks and they somehow end up at a house in the middle of the jungle where some guy steals their organs. It was excellent. Sounds like a standard Cheifet-family adventure.
Anyway, there was a lot of English and Portuguese being spoken in the movie between the Americans and the Brazilians (obviously). It occurred to me that since there were no subtitles I had no idea if I was watching an English movie with some Portuguese or a Portuguese movie with some English. Also, I had no idea if I was watching HBO or HBO-Latina. Now, don't yell at me saying, "Jordon you idiot, they speak Spanish in Brazil -- because they don't," or "Jordon you idiot, why would they be speaking Portuguese on HBO-Latina?" I'm just saying that I found the language oddity to be confusing. I thought I would share it with you so next time you are flipping through the channels and find something exciting to watch only to later discover it's on HBO-Latina that you can chuckle a bit think, "Oh that Jordon, he is so clever..."
Happy Summer! Now get outside and stop reading Jordon's Deep Thoughts.