Happy New Year everyone!!! Hope you and yours had a pleasant holiday season...now go join a gym and get rid of that extra weight you gained. I spent last week gallivanting around Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg). It was amazing. The one thing I noticed while there, besides how hot the prostitutes are in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, was how hot the non-prostitutes are. I would say 99% of the women there are over 5'10" and weigh no more than 125 pounds. Lots of eye candy to go around.
I also realized why the women are so much different there than here in the U.S. and A. They exercise...all the time. Instead of driving to your favorite supermarket or to the Starbucks drive-thru, they ride bicycles. Seriously, they were everywhere. The even have their own lane on the road. The parking lots were filled with bicycles instead of big SUVs.
This experience reminded me of a post I was going to make a few months ago but never got around to it. I was in Burger King and saw something that me very embarrassed to be an American. Here's something interesting for you to ponder:
Gillette introduced their first razor in 1901 (1 blade); the Trac II razor in 1971 (2 blades); the Mach 3 in 1998 (3 blades); Schick introduced the Quattro in 2003 (4 blades); and Gillette countered by introducing the Fusion in 2006 (5 blades). That comes out to 1 additional blade every 25 years or so. Seems okay.
Burger King sold their first hamburger in 1954 and they just introduced The Quad. What is The Quad you may ask? That's right, a hamburger with 4, count 'em, 4 patties. That comes out to 1 additional patty every 15 years or so. Seems okay.
What have we come to as a society? At this rate, by the time I die (100 years old by the way), I will be shaving with a razor with 8 blades and eating hamburgers with 10 patties. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, most girls like a guy clean shaven, right? Too bad they don't like guys who weigh 500 pounds. Most people think the government should probably do something, I say use some common sense and stick to the Mach 3 and Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Mmm, that sure does sound good right about now, doesn't it?
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love that photo
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