That's right folks, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is an actual new Deep Thought you are reading. Sorry for the long layoff, I was in the bathroom. Anyway, so much has happened here at the offices of Jordon's Deep Thoughts. As you might have guessed, you favorite blog protagonist has continued galavanting around the world. I got married, bought a house, and have two kids now. Yeah right! Just making sure you are actually reading this.
But seriously, I have upped my country tally by three to thirty-two. I just returned from a most excellent jaunt to the Middle East. The countries of choice included Egypt, Israel, and Jordan. This is all part of my goal of going to every country and taking a picture of myself in front of famous world landmarks. Pyramids -- Check! But more importantly is now being able to say I have been to a country with the same name as myself. How many people can say that!? Do you think there is anyone out there named Kyrgyzstan Johnson who took a trip so he could do the same? I doubt it. If you know someone with a country for a first name I would love to hear about them.
A couple things I learned while in the Middle East. First, Egyptians (at least the ones I met) were very rude. That's right, I said it. I mean, how many times can you say you don't want a camel ride before you get fed up? Second, Jordanians are very nice. They speak no English, you speak no Arabic, but you are still able to ask for directions in the middle of the night on the side of the road with no reservations and get where you need to go. Third, the Great Pyramids are really cool. Fourth, Petra is really cool. Fifth, the Dead Sea is really weird.
So I know what you're probably thinking. You took almost nine months off, did you at least think of some new Deep Thoughts? And the answer is of course yes! So with no further delay, I bring you the first official Deep Thought of 2010.
Open your wallet. I bet you there are a bunch of bills in there, right? A few Washingtons, a Lincoln, maybe a Hamilton, a couple Jacksons? If you are lucky maybe a Grant or a Franklin? Or if you are really lucky a Jefferson? Where did you get those bills? Maybe you bought a sandwich and got some change. Maybe you bought some toothpaste and got some change. But think back further -- you got them from the ATM, right? I doubt many of you enter a bank to make withdrawls.
So what's the worst part about the ATM? Exactly, only getting $20 bills! You make your withdrawl and get crisp, new $20 bills. Then you and your friends go out to dinner and try to pay and everyone has 20s and the bill is $36. A real pain in the ass I know. So my question is simple. If most people get their money from the ATM, and the ATM only gives out 20s, where does the other money come from? Does the mint deliver money directly to all businesses to keep the balance equal? I'm just saying it seems that a lot more 20s are put into circulation than 1s, 5s, and 10s. This really bothers me.
Anyway, hope everyone has a fantastic 2010 and I will do my best to keep you thinking while you are trying to waste time by trying to find the end of the internet.