Real quick insensitive blog post today as I am about to begin my week-long string of birthday parties. My birthday is Thursday the 26th in case you want to send me something. First of all, let me assure you that what happened in Blacksburg is a true tragedy and I can't imagine what it would be like to know someone who was affected by what happened. And the outporing of support is amazing, even from students at Baghdad Technical University voiced their support. I bet if this happened there that no U.S. Universities would show their support. Anyway, I would rate the following Deep Thought a 9 out of 10 on the "Oh-my-God-you-are-such-an-asshole" meter. But as a journalist I have to ask the tough questions. Can you believe they even removed my page on Wikipedia? I'm still trying to get Jordon's Deep Thoughts listed.
So here we go, and remember that here at Jordon's Deep Thoughts we stick to the motto of: If you don't like it or are offended stop reading and get your own blog.
So they reported that the victims of the shooting would be conferred honorary degrees. So my question is whether or not the shooter will also be given a degree since he was both a senior and a victim? What if his parents asked for it? Sure would put the University in a tough spot. I'm betting he won't get his degree. I mean he was an English major, how hard could it have been anyway?